Everything you need to know about descaling

> What is descaling?

Descaling is the process of removing carbon deposits from various parts of a vehicle’s engine system. These deposits, often referred to as carbon build-up, can accumulate over time in engine components such as the intake valves, fuel injectors, and exhaust systems. Carbon build-up can lead to performance issues, reduced fuel efficiency, and potential damage to engine parts. Fortunately, there are effective solutions to address this problem.

Descaling by Hydrogen Injection

Descaling by hydrogen injection is a method used to eliminate carbon deposits (commonly referred to as “calamine”) from a vehicle’s engine. This process works by leveraging a natural phenomenon called hydrogen-assisted combustionto improve the air-fuel mixture in the engine.

In this eco-friendly and non-invasive technique, pure hydrogen is introduced into the engine along with the air-fuel mixture. This hydrogen reacts with the carbon deposits, breaking them down into smaller particles. These particles are then carried away and expelled from the engine through the exhaust system. A special filter collects the resulting carbon residues to prevent them from re-entering the engine.

After the descaling process, engine components such as the EGR valve, particulate filter, and turbocharger are cleaned of carbon build-up, restoring the vehicle’s performance and fuel efficiency to its original levels.

Diagram of the path of the hydrogen injected into the motorization circuit

In addition to cleaning the engine, descaling can reduce fuel consumption by up to 15% and decrease pollutant emissions by up to 50%.


Our connected descaling technology
The Hy-Carbon Connect, the latest addition to the FlexFuel range

The Hy-Carbon Connect® Station is a state-of-the-art hydrogen injection cleaning system designed to eliminate carbon deposits from vehicle engines.


This advanced technology enables precise analysis of engine fouling, which can include the assessment of moving engine parts and the retrieval of the vehicle’s fault codes. Nothing escapes its analysis!


The Hy-Carbon Connect® Station is the result of four years of research and development and is protected by three international patents. It offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges of engine carbon build-up.

How does descaling by hydrogen injection work?


The driver’s profile is first determined based on parameters such as annual mileage and driving environment. The Hy-Carbon Connect® then autonomously analyzes the fouling state of sensitive engine parts using algorithms developed by FlexFuel®.


Following the initial diagnosis, the Hy-Carbon Connect® proceeds with descaling and sets sensitive parts in motion throughout the treatment to restore their original mobility.


After cleaning, the station performs a new diagnosis and generates a performance report that is transmitted to the motorist.


In summary, descaling by hydrogen injection is a solution that is:

  • Robust: Our technology was designed in 2008 for the industrial sector and challenging environments, proving its durability and effectiveness.


  • Innovative: A user-friendly dashboard allows you to operate the Hy-Carbon Connect® easily. The patented Pilot EGR option is an exclusive innovation that ensures precise control of the EGR valve, guaranteeing foolproof efficiency.


  • Economical: The process requires no consumables, so there are no surprise operating costs. Additionally, the station’s autonomous operation minimizes the need for labor.


To continue exploring the world of descaling and discover all its aspects and advantages, we suggest you consult the section “Why Have Your Car Descaled?”

> Why should you descale your car?

You may be wondering about the advantages of engine depollution through FlexFuel hydrogen injection. Discover the benefits of this process, which can transform the performance of your vehicle and enhance both your driving experience and finances.

Find the Performance of Your Vehicle

Say goodbye to difficult starts, reduced motor performance, overconsumption, dashboard warning lights, black fumes, and acceleration issues. With descaling, your vehicle regains its original performance.

By eliminating calamine (soot), descaling revitalizes your engine, restoring power and efficiency. The results are a smoother ride, a cleaner engine, and improved responsiveness during acceleration and overtaking.

Descaling = Regained Vehicle Performance!


Facilitate Your Technical Inspection

No more failed technical inspections! By restoring your vehicle’s original performance, descaling helps reduce CO2 emissions by up to 50%.

In line with current anti-pollution standards, especially for smoke opacity measurements, hydrogen injection descaling eliminates black fumes and ensures you pass your technical inspection with ease.

Whether Diesel or Gasoline, after processing, your vehicle will emit significantly fewer fine particles.

Descaling = Successful Technical Inspection!


Avoid Expensive Breakdowns

Did you know that nearly 75% of engine defects and problems are caused by fouling?

New anti-pollution regulations and speed limits increase calamine (soot) deposition, leading to potential engine failures and costly repairs.

By choosing hydrogen injection descaling, you prevent fouling and avoid replacing expensive parts like the EGR valve, the injection pump, or the turbocharger.

Descaling = Fewer Dashboard Warning Lights!


Save Money on Fuel

As an added benefit, descaling reduces your fuel consumption by up to 15%. Fewer trips to the gas station mean more money in your pocket.

Descaling = Daily Savings!


Reduce Pollution

Descaling eliminates calamine from all types of engines, cutting smoke emissions and supporting eco-driving. By restoring your vehicle’s original performance, you can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 50%!

Descaling = Eco-Friendly Driving


With FlexFuel Energy Development® hydrogen injection descaling, you’re doing your part for the planet and your wallet!

As you can see, descaling your vehicle’s engine offers significant technical, ecological, and economic benefits.

The winning strategy: Clean your engine at least once a year to extend your vehicle’s life.

Note: Benefits may vary for different vehicles in the French car fleet.

> How much does car descaling cost?

Our FlexFuel hydrogen injection engine de-pollution service lasts between one and two hours, depending on your vehicle’s type and the level of fouling. We offer a one-hour preventive service. For more details or to locate the nearest descaling center, check out the “Find A Carbon Cleaning Center” section.

What Are the Types of Treatments Offered by FlexFuel-Equipped Garages?

The type of treatment will be determined based on various factors including your vehicle’s number of cylinders, mileage, and driving profile. These factors help assess the fouling rate of your engine and determine the most appropriate treatment.*

Depending on the fouling rate of your engine, our trained and equipped FlexFuel partner garages offer several hydrogen injection descaling packages. These packages range from simple preventive treatments to more comprehensive curative treatments with complete cleaning. Below, you will find a summary of these two types of treatments:*

Preventive Treatment

Preventive treatment is recommended as part of your vehicle’s regular maintenance. It helps extend the life of your engine by preventing excessive fouling, which can lead to breakdowns, increased fuel consumption, and a loss of performance.

Curative Treatment

Curative treatment is designed to address breakdowns and malfunctions caused by the accumulation of soot in your engine. This comprehensive service not only fixes current issues but also lowers fuel consumption and reduces your vehicle’s emissions.

Additional Mechanical Operation

The additional mechanical operation involves performing descaling after replacing a part due to fouling. This step is essential to prevent future fouling of the new part and protect against potential breakdowns.

FlexFuel® hydrogen injection descaling not only helps to clean your engine but also services parts such as the particulate filter, turbocharger, EGR valve, or injection system.

The choice of service depends on the fouling rate of your vehicle.


What is the Pricing for Different Types of Treatment?

The price of your descaling service depends on the type of treatment chosen, the parts requiring cleaning, the engine size of your vehicle, and the processing time necessary for effective cleaning.


Do you find it expensive? This cost is minimal compared to the replacements of expensive parts that you will avoid, potentially saving you up to $10,000!

> What is the best descaling treatment for my vehicle?

Increase in Fuel Consumption, Loss of Power, Acceleration Issues, or Technical Inspection Failures Due to High Pollutant Emissions? FlexFuel Energy Development® Hydrogen Injection Descaling Technology Offers Solutions to Your Engine’s Fouling Problems.

To have your engine descaled, make an appointment with a certified, trained, and equipped FlexFuel mechanic near you!

A Choice of Treatment According to Different Parameters

Your mechanic will offer you services tailored to your vehicle and the health of your engine. These services will be determined based on different parameters, including engine displacement, mileage, and your driving profile.

Your FlexFuel Energy Development® certified garage will define the most suitable type of treatment for your vehicle.


A Duration of Treatment Adapted to the Fouling of Your Engine

Our partner garages, trained and equipped with FlexFuel® technology, will offer you several engine depollution packages by hydrogen injection, ranging from simple preventive treatments to comprehensive curative treatments with complete cleaning.

Depending on the treatment required, your vehicle will need to be at the garage for 45 minutes to 2 hours.

For more information about costs, do not hesitate to consult our section “How Much Does It Cost?”.

> Where can I get my car descaled?

Discover the Benefits of Engine Depollution!

Now that you know the benefits, all you have to do is find a certified, trained, and equipped FlexFuel garage near you!

Congratulations on Choosing a Safe and Effective Solution for Your Vehicle’s Engine Health!


Here you will find details about our quality approach and how we select our certified partner garages.


FlexFuel Energy Development® boasts a network of over 2,000 trained and equipped garages across France, all using our advanced hydrogen injection descaling technology. Thanks to the extensive reach of our network, you can easily access our services near you or at your workplace.


What Is a FlexFuel Certified Partner Garage?

Our partner garages are carefully selected for their seriousness and professionalism, ensuring that you receive high-quality services and expert advice tailored to your vehicle’s needs.

During the installation of our hydrogen injection descaling stations, our partner garages receive personalized training from our qualified and experienced FlexFuel technicians.

We also provide ongoing support for our partners throughout the life of the descaling station. Our certified garages have access to remote online technical support every day during regular working hours for any questions or technical needs.

Therefore, we assure you, through our partners, a high-quality service in the best conditions. The satisfaction of our customers is fundamental, which is why we strive to provide exceptional service through our FlexFuel-trained and equipped garages.


Our goal is to offer you the most effective and safest hydrogen injection descaling treatment available.


Where to Find Your Certified, Trained, and Equipped FlexFuel Garage?

To locate a FlexFuel partner garage near you, please visit our Find a Garage page.


What Services Will Be Offered at Your FlexFuel Equipped Garage?

Once you have selected a FlexFuel partner garage, simply contact them to schedule an appointment.


Based on various parameters of your vehicle, including the number of cylinders, mileage, and type of driving, the garage will determine the most suitable treatment for your vehicle.


You will be offered a range of descaling packages using hydrogen injection, from simple preventive treatments to comprehensive curative cleaning.


For more information about costs, please visit our How Much Does It Cost? section.

> What is the impact of descaling on my car?

Whether preventive or curative, hydrogen injection descaling acts as a makeover for your vehicle. Say goodbye to overconsumption, excessive pollution, acceleration issues, and failures at technical inspections.

Descaling with FlexFuel hydrogen injection is a gentle cleaning process performed over a relatively long period of time, with a minimum treatment duration of 1 hour. This completely natural process uses hydrogen combustion to maintain engine pressure and temperature, ensuring effective cleaning without stressing the engine components.




This is the number of FlexFuel Energy Development® descalings carried out each year worldwide through our network of over 4,000 partner garages.



A multitude of advantages

  • The de-engine cleaning will allow your engine to recover its original performance.


  • You will find a healthier engine, your engine will release much less fine particles and eliminate black fumes. Descaling by hydrogen injection is a real asset to facilitate the passage to technical inspection!


  • You will avoid the fouling and replacement of expensive parts such as the EGR valve, the injection pump, or the turbocharger.


  • You will reduce your gasoline consumption by up to 15%.


You will have understood, a cleaning of your engine with the hydrogen injection descaling system is the perfect ally for the longevity of your vehicle!


So, don’t wait any longer, make an appointment with a FlexFuel affiliated mechanic equipped with a hydrogen injection descaling station.

> What guarantees are offered with car descaling?

Our FlexFuel certified garages are equipped with advanced hydrogen injection descaling stations, which are entirely manufactured in France. These stations represent the culmination of years of meticulous Research and Development, and their effectiveness has been acknowledged through numerous awards and recognitions.

Technology at the Service of Your Vehicle

We offer a highly effective, non-aggressive, and eco-friendly solution for engine depollution, designed to address all your engine fouling issues.


The Effectiveness of Our Solution: The Numbers Speak for Themselves

Since 2014, we have performed over 1 million descaling services with zero claims related to the service!

Our FlexFuel solution guarantees both effective and gentle cleaning for your vehicle.

Our FlexFuel solution offers an effective and non-aggressive method for cleaning your engine.

We achieve this through the injection of hydrogen, which dissolves calamine deposits without introducing any chemicals or corrosives into your engine. The dissolved calamine is then naturally expelled with the exhaust gases and collected in a specialized filter.

Our cleaning process ensures a smooth treatment, with your FlexFuel certified mechanic adapting the service to your vehicle’s specific fouling needs.


FlexFuel Hydrogen Injection Descaling: The Zero-Risk Solution for Engine De-Stripping

Cleaning your engine is always beneficial and essential for ensuring its longevity.


The FlexFuel Energy Development® solution for engine depollution offers a gentle and effective treatment that targets only calamine buildup without causing any damage to your engine.


Can Descaling Affect My Vehicle’s Warranty?

Hydrogen injection descaling is a non-invasive maintenance operation. Apart from noting that your engine is clean, it is virtually impossible for a manufacturer to detect if a vehicle has undergone descaling during a dealership visit. This eco-friendly process utilizes hydrogen, a natural component of the air, and therefore does not void your vehicle’s warranty.

> Is FlexFuel descaling effective?

Descaling by hydrogen injection is, today, the best method of engine depollution. Why? We explain everything to you…

During Descaling by Hydrogen Injection with FlexFuel Energy Development, all parts of the engine in contact with exhaust gases—particularly sensitive to fouling—are cleaned. How is it so effective? Through a completely natural process: the combustion of hydrogen. This process dissolves the calamine present in your engine, which is then expelled and collected in a specialized filter.

The press, our partners, and especially the motorists who have tested the service are unanimous about the effectiveness and numerous benefits of our descaling solution. This is supported by gas analyses, opacity tests, bench tests, and FAP fouling measurements conducted before and after treatment.

>> Consult the FlexFuel Press Pack

Descaling by FlexFuel Hydrogen Injection is:

  • Scientifically Proven
  • Economically Validated
  • Ecologically Essential

> Is FlexFuel descaling profitable?

Descaling by hydrogen injection is a fabulous way to save money while making a gesture for the environment. Find out how…

Descaling, especially when done without chemicals, offers several significant benefits:

1. Maintenance Costs

Avoid Costly Repairs
Prevent expensive repairs related to engine components such as the EGR valve, turbocharger, particulate filter, or injectors, which can cost several thousand dollars. Regular descaling helps avoid these costly failures.


2. Technical Inspection Pass

Pass Your Technical Inspection with Ease
Many technical inspection failures are due to excessive pollutant emissions. A dirty engine produces more CO2 compared to a well-maintained one. Performing a descaling treatment before your technical inspection can help ensure that your vehicle passes with flying colors and avoid the cost of a counter-visit.


3. Fuel Consumption

Save on Fuel Costs
Even if you drive a diesel vehicle that can’t be converted to E85, descaling can still reduce your fuel consumption. Hydrogen injection descaling by FlexFuel Energy Development can lower your fuel consumption by up to 15% and reduce your annual fuel expenditure. Why not take advantage of these savings?

>> Discover the Best Treatment for Your Vehicle Here!


The Big Plus of Descaling: Descaling not only improves your vehicle’s performance but also reduces harmful emissions by up to 54%, making your vehicle both more enjoyable to drive and more eco-friendly.

In summary, restore your vehicle’s original performance and enjoy the benefits of a cleaner, more efficient engine!

> News on descaling